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Changes to Motoring Laws in 2019

| In Motoring News

The changing of the year is bringing in a range of new and altered motoring laws. This blog post explains all the changes so you are ready to hit the roads in 2019.

Overtaking Cyclists

An ever-common sight on our roads are cyclists. The Highway Code now states that when overtaking a cyclist, a driver should leave 4ft 11in (1.5 metres) between their car and the bicycle.

Learners on the Motorways

Learner drivers are now allowed on our motorways, as long as they are supervised by an qualified instructor in a vehicle with dual pedals. Previously, only drivers who had a full licence could use these roads.


In 2018, the way cars were scored in an MOT test was changed, so it’s essential you are aware of these new rules going into 2019. Vehicles are now categorised using the following definitions;

Dangerous - Direct or immediate risk to road safety or the environment. Leads to a Fail.

Major - Could affect the vehicle’s safety, put other road users at risk or affect the environment. Fail.

Minor - No significant effect on safety, but should be repaired as soon as possible.

Advisory - Could become more serious in the future.

Pass - Meets the current minimum legal standards.

Further Inspections will now be carried out to test brake fluid contamination, under-inflated tyres, reversing lights (post September 2009 cars), brake pad warning lights, missing brake discs and daytime running lights (post March 2018 cars). It is essential that you check these are correct before entering your car for an MOT test.

Smart Motorways

The government are expected to introduce a £100 fine and 3 three penalty points on your licence if you are caught driving in a closed lane on a Smart Motorway. When a lane is closed it is marked with a red X in the overheard signs and you should try and move into a different lane as soon as safely possible.